Drone causes dangerous situation at airbase

A man who flew his drone near Woensdrecht Air Base caused a dangerous situation on Tuesday. The drone flew at the same altitude as a chinook helicopter. The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee has seized the drone.

A 53-year-old man flew a drone in an area near Woensdrecht Air Base on Tuesday. When the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee stopped him, the drone was at the same height as a chinook helicopter. That would have created a dangerous situation. The drone and accompanying memory card have been seized.

A week earlier, on February 2, a 33-year-old man also flew his drone near the airbase. His memory card was also confiscated. The Marechaussee in Hoogerheide is conducting further investigations into both cases.

Drone rules
Strict rules apply to flying drones. If a drone flight can cause any danger, you are obliged to stop the flight. In addition, it is prohibited to fly a drone above, for example, military sites, government buildings, events and buildings of the royal house.
