Driving license less popular with young people | Mobility

The lockdown in 2020 also meant that driving lessons and driving exams were stopped for quite some time. In the end, 73,736 adults would get their driving license B that year, a sharp decrease from the years before. 2021 saw a huge increase to 125,525 driving licenses obtained, but that number fell again last year to 119,764, or 5,761 fewer driving licenses according to FOD Mobility.

The decrease in the entire country is almost entirely due to the 18-25 age group, who obtained 6.6 percent fewer driving licenses compared to 2021. It is striking that the decrease among young people is very limited among 18-year-olds. Driving schools recently stated that young people are again interested in being able to drive independently as soon as possible after their eighteenth birthday. For all other ages, the number of driving licenses obtained increased by 5.1 percent.
