Driver (19) crashes into a tree on a country road – passenger (16) dead

The photo of this terrible accident leaves speechless. Tires are scattered, body and interior trim are torn apart into small pieces. A 16-year-old girl died here – she was a passenger. The driver (19) was seriously injured.

By Olaf Wagner and Maren Wittge

The terrible accident happened on Saturday night on a country road between Turnow and Drachhausen, about 14 kilometers from Cottbus (Spree-Neisse).

For reasons that are still unclear, the 19-year-old driver left the road shortly after a slight left turn and crashed into a tree. The car was nearly torn to pieces. According to BZ information, the driver should be Max S., who comes from the area.

Any help came too late for the 16-year-old passenger. The fire department could only rescue her dead from the car wreck. The 19-year-old was flown to a hospital by helicopter with serious injuries.

The police have yet to determine the cause of the accident. Was it smooth? Did deer cross the road? Was there a driving error?

There is a cross on the side of the road about 200 meters from the scene of the accident. A 21-year-old died there eight years ago. It’s not the only cross on this country road.


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