Drinking beer or wine in the park: these are the rules

The beautiful summer weather invites you to enjoy a beer or wine with some friends in the park or on a square. But is this actually allowed? The rules differ per municipality, according to a tour of Omroep Brabant.

Each municipality determines its own rules when it comes to drinking alcohol in public areas. These rules are laid down in the General Local Bye-Laws (APV). Because municipalities determine the rules themselves, there are differences. For example, in one municipality you may drink alcohol in public and in another municipality you may not. And of course there are also exceptions.

Beer bikes and covered wagons
Take Oirschot, for example. There it is forbidden to drink alcohol within fifty meters of the public road. You also violate the rules in parks, squares and playgrounds if you sit there with an open can of beer.

Until the beginning of this year, this ban only applied in built-up areas, but the ban has been extended. Reason: then agents and boas can also act against beer bicycles and covered wagons where alcohol is drunk. Reusel-de Mierden and Eersel are also sailing this course.

No nuisance
Den Bosch does things differently. There you can drink alcohol in public almost everywhere, as long as you don’t cause a nuisance. There are two exceptions. This is not allowed in the city center and the vicinity of the Kapelaan Koopmansplein, because the mayor has decided this. In Eindhoven, in principle, it is allowed everywhere, unless you cause a nuisance.

Are you planning to put your rug somewhere in a park in Etten-Leur, first check carefully where you want to do that. There are twelve areas designated where you are not allowed to have or drink alcohol.

Crystal clear
A few kilometers away in Moerdijk, the rules are crystal clear: alcohol may not be consumed in public areas. This is also not allowed in Asten, Bernheze, Heeze-Leende.

In Tilburg it is allowed, except in places where alcohol is prohibited. This is, for example, the area around the station and the Stadsforum and part of the Spoorpark. Do you live in the municipality of Sint-Michielsgestel or Boxtel? Then you don’t have to worry, because drinking in public is not prohibited there. And the same applies to Alphen-Chaam, Baarle-Nassau and Gilze-Rijen.

The conclusion is: as tempting as it is to flop down in a park with a bottle of wine, it is not allowed everywhere and it can cost you money. The amount of the fine varies from 100 to 150 euros. Still a waste of money.
