Dries Roelvink thinks Gordon is clumsy with media

Dries Roelvink thinks that Gordon has not been very handy with the media lately. It’s give and take, explains the folk singer. “The game with the media, he doesn’t understand that very well.”


Gordon’s relationship with the show media has cooled severely. He was even very angry recently when RTL Boulevard appeared on the closing day of his coffee shop Blushing. Colleague BN’er Dries Roelvink thinks that Gordon does not handle the media very well. Perhaps he doesn’t care anymore, he says in Nieuwe Revu.

Dries is critical

Negative publicity is part and parcel of being a celebrity, Dries explains. “When he stopped singing, he started presenting more programs. Then you sometimes have good, sometimes bad ratings. You just have to be able to deal with that,” he says.

Gordon thinks he can do that less. “He doesn’t understand the game with the media very well. I know a little bit that I have to give the journalists something every now and then, otherwise they will make their own story out of it. Gordon doesn’t want to play that whole game anymore.”

25 million euros

It seems that Gordon is just done with it, says Dries. “On the other hand, it does count for him that he is financially independent. If I had 25 million in my bank account, I might start to think differently. I think Gordon is close to that.”

Dries feels ‘a certain bitterness’ with Gordon. “He has had some trouble singing in recent years. I try to imagine what will happen to you as a singer,” he says. “I think it frustrates him a lot – more than he says – that he can’t do the songs he would like to sing.”


Finally, Dries says that he would like to visit the Amsterdam branch of Blushing. “It’s around the corner from me.”

For this reason, Dries sometimes has contact with Gordon. “Gordon likes us coming there.”
