Drentse Scheurkalender: the Drenthe image of its own province

The Groninger Tearkalender is a hit. There is also a demand for their own calendar in Drenthe and Friesland. Hamming steps in. “We only go where people want to participate themselves. We are a kind of lazy movement in that respect that doesn’t do big campaigns to get photos. If no photos come in, there will be no calendar.”

That is fine in Drenthe. For the first edition, the organization received about five hundred photos. It is now approaching two thousand. “We are also looking for diversity. If only dolmens come in, then the 41st photo of this has less chance of appearing on the calendar. But at the same time it is true that if everyone sends in photos of dolmens, this apparently does something with the Drent. Who am I to say this isn’t right?”

“The great thing is that everyone can take pictures and answer the question of what moves him or her. You can also see that this afternoon during the launch of the tear-off calendar. If you look into the room, you see a very mixed group here. Young and old, low and highly educated, there are even mayors who send in photos. But the jury, supported by professionals from Noorderlicht, does not look at name, origin or age, they only look at the photo, at the answer to the ask.”

The quality standard is high. “Professionals are allowed to participate, as are amateurs. Everyone is welcome. The most beautiful twelve photos are selected by Noorderlicht and later this year they will make a tour of community centers and other inspiring locations as a small exhibition. We always do this with a club that has one of its own. program around it.”

In the near future, the calendar will be available in bookshops in Drenthe and it will be sold online. In addition, there are various organizations that give it away as a business gift. Hamming hopes for even more entries next year. “The enthusiasm of the participants inspires new people. It’s a nice chain reaction. But it does mean that the chance that your photo will be on the calendar is smaller.”
