Drents Museum can expand and tackle moisture problem

The Drents Museum can quickly start with a major renovation. This should provide more space and solve moisture problems.

A large majority of the Drenthe Parliament supports the plan of the provincial government to allocate 3.35 million euros for this, it turned out during a committee meeting on Wednesday. Formally, parliament still has to give it a blow.

moisture problems

Moisture problems occur in the part of the new building that has been built underground. They are slowly but surely getting worse. Moreover, there are more and more downpours, which is also not conducive.

A solution has often been puzzled over and provisional measures have been taken, but the conclusion is now that the outer wall must be removed. This also offers an opportunity: by moving the wall, space is created for an extra exhibition hall and you can create an entrance that is more accessible for people with disabilities. However, this will cost 2 million euros, on top of the 1.35 million needed to solve the moisture problems.


The province is the landlord of the museum and the States members therefore had no choice in solving the moisture problems in any case. Because the chance of expansion will not arise again soon, the States members also agreed to the proposal. Only Thomas Blinde from JA21 could not live with the expansion of the museum. “This is called a pairing opportunity. But when I send my wife to the store with a pairing opportunity, she comes back with a trunk full of new clothes. This costs too much money, we can spend this better.”

The museum is busy tendering the job. It is urgent, because next summer an exhibition about Vincent van Gogh’s period in Drenthe is planned.
