Drents-Groningen Easter tradition in NK jacket: neutieschiet’n in Roden

Those who say Easter and love (North)Drents-Groning traditions say: neutieschiet’n. In Roden, the Association for Public Entertainment has built a real competition course for the very first North Dutch neutieshooting championship. With thick prices. The NK is a new way to keep the old tradition alive.

The first participants will register at the beginning of the afternoon. The NK starts with a class for the youngest.

Lammert Kalsbeek, chairman of the Association for Popular Entertainment Roden: “Parents with young children are perhaps the perfect way to honor this folkloric game. Because there are now also generations that do not know neutieschiet’n.”

To draw attention to the game, primary schools could get an explanation of the game at the VVV. It was also possible to get a neutieshooting demonstration.

Watch the report about the North Dutch championship neutieschiet’n here:
