‘Drenthe’s community and village houses are recovering miraculously after the corona and energy crisis’

There have been times when the survival of many community and village centers in our province hung by a thread, but in many cases there is little left to see. This is what Paul van Schie of the Broad Consultation Group for Small Villages (BOKD) says.

It is no coincidence that he examines the general situation of Drenthe’s community and village halls, because tonight the first of the seven episodes about ‘Drenthe’s village hall of the year’ will be broadcast on TV Drenthe. “In the first broadcast, the six participants who compete against each other are introduced and from next week there will be a different community or village center on screen every week,” Van Schie explains.

It is the fourth edition of the election for Drenthe village hall of the year and he has the strong impression that the election has now gained a foothold. “Many people I speak to know about the election, both community and village halls have been working on it for some time and I also hear positive stories from municipalities,” he says with satisfaction. “And if you compare it with the 2020 election, there has been a doubling of the number of registrations.”

According to Van Schie, the election is important because great things are happening in the villages and community centers in our province. “And these are things that deserve a place in the spotlight. We see that, just like the people in the village and community centers themselves, but we believe that these developments also deserve a place on television. With this we want to also give village halls that are doing well a boost.”

All community and village centers that registered for the election received one thousand euros. The village halls selected for the election received an additional 1,500 euros. A useful financial injection, Van Schie thinks:

“There are plenty of village halls that are doing well, but also that could use some financial support. If there are village halls that have a plan and are looking for financing, and that can be done through funds, it helps if you do something in co-financing.”

The organizer of the BOKD is pleased to note that many village and community centers in our province have recovered after a difficult period. “You notice that the activities at most community and village centers are back to the same level as before the corona era. But it is still difficult to find volunteers and board members. There has really been a major change in this,” he adds. he.

In the television series on TV Drenthe, the six finalists will compete with each other by doing their very best. Van Schie knows. “In addition, there is a professional jury that visits the village houses to make a judgment and the village houses visit each other, just like in the NPO Bed & Breakfast program. That is a very nice part.”
