Drenthe would rather see widening the N34 than lowering the maximum speed

Veilig Verkeer Nederland advocates reducing the speed on N-roads from 80 to 60 kilometers per hour. 100 may still be driven on the N34. Lowering the speed there to 80 kilometers per hour, many Drenthe voters do not like. Widening the road is getting more support.

A provisional conclusion from the Kieskompas shows that just over a quarter believe that the speed on the N34 should be reduced to 80 kilometers per hour. More than 60 percent disagree.

In the run-up to the elections, Kieskompas launched a voting aid together with RTV Drenthe. This has now been completed almost 15,000 times. Kieskompas has corrected this according to education level, age group, gender and political preference.

Thirty propositions are included in the Kieskompas, two of which concern the N34. In addition to the reduction of the speed, the opinion is also asked about widening the road, also known as Hunebed Highway. It runs from Coevorden via Emmen and Gieten to the De Punt junction.

Opinions are divided about widening the N34, even if this is at the expense of nature. About 44 percent is in favor of broadening, almost 40 percent is against.

Among young people – between the ages of 18 and 34 – there is especially no enthusiasm to reduce the speed on the road. Three-quarters of this group prefer that the speed remains at 100 kilometers per hour. Nearly half of people aged 65 and over are in favor of lowering the speed limit.

Three parties have indicated to the Kieskompas that they ‘totally agree’ to reduce the speed from 100 to 80 kilometers. These are SP, GroenLinks and Party for the Animals. D66, 50PLUS and Volt are neutral, the other parties are against the plan.

“The maximum speed on the N34 will be 80 kilometers per hour,” the SP writes in its election program. “The need for doubling from the point of view of safety is no longer necessary: ​​the N34 will not be doubled.”

Of the people who have indicated to the Kieskompas that they vote for the SP, however, a majority does not agree with the party’s position. Slightly more than half of the voters who say they vote for SP do not want a reduction in speed.

The division over the widening of the road is also reflected in the positions of the parties. Seven parties are against the doubling, eight are in favour. “We reject the plans for partial doubling because of the adverse effects on nature and landscape, in particular the nearby nature reserves and the Hondsrug Geopark,” said GroenLinks. “Groningen and Emmen should be connected to each other in a safe and fast way,” says the PVV. The party is in favor of doubling the road.

Earlier this year, the province canceled plans to partially double the N34 between Emmen and De Punt. Due to rising construction prices, the province can only carry out 6 kilometers of the original doubling plan of 12 kilometers.
