Drenthe VVD chairman René Laan quits: ‘Work and private life are no longer in balance’

The Drenthe VVD will immediately lose its chairman. René Laan (54) from Klazienaveen will stop immediately. He was regional chairman of the VVD Drenthe for four years.

Laan can no longer combine the chairmanship with his busy work and private life, he indicates. “It is no longer in balance. I am also still completing a study, and there is quite a lot happening in my area in terms of health, so I am resigning.”

According to René Laan, his sudden departure has nothing to do with the recent commotion about the passing of two Drenthe VVD members for the House of Representatives elections. The national party board did not approve, among other things, petrol station owner Ewout Klok as a suitable candidate for the VVD electoral list. They judged him on things from the past.

Chairman Laan found the course of events unfortunate. He was ‘disappointed’ and also said that there still had to be ‘a serious discussion’ with the main board. Ultimately, the VVD Regio Drenthe, together with its members, chose to support the candidates nominated by the main board, Jeroen Hartsuiker from Klazienaveen (place 35) and Irma Talens from Coevorden (place 67). Hilda Mulder from Koekange, who was initially passed over, was later placed at position 69 on the candidate list.

René Laan became the first Drenthe regional chairman in October 2019, when the North Region was separated from the Liberals again. Until 2016, Drenthe had its own VVD Chamber Center, as a provincial liberal organization. But it was disbanded after the VVD came up with a new organizational structure for the regions nationally.

Local departments disappeared, as did provincial Chamber offices. The result was that the Drenthe liberals were absorbed into one northern region. Together with fellow party members from Groningen and Friesland, they formed the VVD Region North. That organizational model was defunct after more than three years, and a VVD Region Drenthe was created.

René Laan became the first new regional chairman in 2019. He was no stranger to liberal circles in Drenthe. For example, he was a board member and chairman of the VVD Emmen department from 2010 to 2016. He then led the new Local VVD Network South-East Drenthe for three years. The Emmen and Borger-Odoorn departments were included in this.

It is not yet known who will succeed Laan. The chairmanship is provisionally held by Heleen Jurgens from Beilen. She is already on the regional board of the VVD Drenthe. Jurgens was faction leader in Midden-Drenthe. In December, the VVD members will determine who will be the new regional chairman.
