Drenthe Toen takes a dive into the Brands collection


The handwritten will of Princess Marianne van Oranje Nassau, a hairball from the stomach of a cow, a fragment of a meteorite, a gold coin of Dagobert I, early 7th century. All objects from the Brands Collection, the special museum in Nieuw-Dordrecht. The collection consists of what Jans Brands, he died three years ago, collected in his life. He was an omnivore when it came to collecting.

Drenthe Then dives into the Brands collection

In Drenthe Then from next Sunday – until who knows when – there will be a contribution every week about an interesting object from the collection. Marianne Bakker of the museum makes the choice and tells the story of the object in question. Jans Brands himself also speaks in the broadcasts, from the audio archive of the museum he talks about objects from his collection and this material has been incorporated in the contributions.

Free tickets for answers

In this section Dive into the Brands Collection, we can give away free tickets to the museum to listeners who help us answer questions about antique objects. In the broadcast of next Sunday, February 6, Marianne Bakker would like to know more about an object called ‘the poison cup’. Bakker: “The cup would be made of serpentine, and it would have the property that it neutralizes poison. But we don’t know whether this is really the case. And we can no longer ask Jans. Perhaps there is a completely different story behind it! “

Do you know more? Mail to [email protected] and have a chance to win those free tickets for Museum Collection Brands.

Drenthe Then

Drenthe Toen, the current program about the history of our province, is broadcast every Sunday on Radio Drenthe, between 12:00 and 14:00. You can then listen to it via Program Missed missed on this site.


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