Drenthe Then Podcast: the OD-action, part 4: NSB and resistance lived next door to each other

Such a young boy was also present at the interrogations in the Landwachthuis in Coevorden, Finke agrees. “Yes, Herman Holties, he came from Weijerswold and was just under 18 years old when he started as a land guard, led by the big crook Weimar in the Landwachthuis in Coevorden. He was ordered to pick up prisoners and was also present at the He also abused people himself, hit them, knocked them down the stairs. And then you are 18 years old! Then I think: what happened in your head, what happened in your life, that you did these steps I am going to study his file, which was compiled after he was convicted after the war. I expect that there will be a psychological report in it. This was submitted by the now well-known Pieter Baan (of the Pieter Baan Center, where suspects are currently ed.) done myself.”
