Drenthe takes action for earthquake victims in Morocco

Plenty of people think the same way. For example, entrepreneur Anis Jadib from Meppel. He decided to also set up a fundraising campaign that is mainly focused on medication. “Here,” he says, pointing to several crates filled with dozens of boxes. “Aspirin, paracetamol, you name it. All collected for those affected in Morocco.”

De Meppeler has consciously chosen to collect medication. “Many people live in the affected area who are difficult to reach or are stuck and do not have access to medication. Many countries are already collecting clothes, shoes and other things. Then I thought: why not medication? It comes in small boxes and is easy to transport. This should also get it to people faster.”

Before the earthquakes, Jadib went on holiday to the affected area with his family. When he returned the tremors started. “When you see how much suffering it causes, yes, that does something to you. I am an entrepreneur, I have a good network, why wouldn’t I use that to help? It seemed logical to me.”
