Drenthe States members wave off and look back with a smile

Edward Bos: this Groenlinkser might come back.

Johnny Forest came in four years ago as the youngest of the Forum for Democracy party and remained loyal to the party after the riots around leader Thierry Baudet and the split to JA21.

Rudolph Bosch is number five on the PvdA electoral list and will therefore not return. He was concerned about the literal and physical memory of Drenthe politics and always fought against inequality of opportunity.

Rob Camies was first with FvD and later JA21. Was cat in a strange political warehouse and, together with the VVD, made nuclear energy a subject for discussion.

Jan Willem Drukker was first with the FvD, later JA21. Has an inimitable sense of humour, but according to King’s Commissioner Jetta Klijnsma always scientifically substantiated. It was prose with graphics.

Frank Duut is a political animal with varying contacts, according to Klijnsma. Walked away from 50Plus dissatisfied and ended up at JA21 via OpDrenthe.

Sonya Short was the only woman in the PVV team, but split off on her own.

Ralph Dulong is vice-chairman, is number six in the PvdA, so will not return. Klijnsma: “You were always my left hand, but I experienced you as my right hand.”

Robert Mäkel-van Luttikhuizen represented the SP, but unfortunately had to give up a large part of his parliamentary membership due to illness.

Cecil Mentink: CDA. Naoberschap was often the common thread in her work for the States.

John Moses: VVD. Worried a lot about the wolf.

Wim Moinat: SP. According to Klijnsma, he is a man of old-fashioned political craft. And always standing up for the weak in society.

Henk Nijmeijer: Green Left. Former party chairman. Brought color to the States. Made Drenthe the first rainbow province of our country.

Harry Omloo: YES21. Worried about helping entrepreneurs in Drenthe with debts. And arranged financing for the subtitling of the news at TV Drenthe.

Henk Pragt: D66. According to Klijnsma, a politician of ‘handling and tackling’, where people who have not been so lucky can count on his support.

Roy Prusser: Young Member of Parliament of the ChristenUnie and received a big compliment for the way in which he conducted debates. “Deputy-worthy, so who knows in the future”, Klijnsma thought.

Janie Rogers: Labor Party. Thinks it’s been good, time for a younger generation.

Jos Schomaker: Four years ago political newcomer for the PvdA. His knowledge as a former entrepreneur was especially useful for the topics N34 and the inner cities that have to make do with fewer shops.

Every Battle: Green Left. According to Klijnsma, she always played politics with her heart.

Simon Vegter: CDA. In addition to being a Member of Parliament, he has also been chairman of two States Committees (OGB and FCBE) in eight years.

Harm Henk Veldsema of the Christenunie was somewhat the conscience of the States when it comes to Dutch-German cross-border cooperation. Continues on the board of the Hunze en Aa’s water board.

Hendrik Velzing: Forum for Democracy. Was previously on the council for Wakker Emmen.

Gertjan Zuur: CDA. Financial conscience of the States. Number specialist. Questionnaire for other Members of Parliament. Klijnsma: “A financial thorn in the side of the Provincial Executive.”

Karin Swan: VVD. File eater on tough files. Was concerned, among other things, about the insecurity in the Arriva trains and Qbuzz buses caused by safelanders.
