Drenthe petrol stations concerned about low petrol prices in Germany: ‘Hold my heart’

Petrol prices in Germany will fall sharply from next month. Thanks to a reduction in excise duty, the difference with Dutch gas stations will be 30 cents per liter from June, possibly rising to 50. The Tank Stations Association (BETA) fears the consequences for Drenthe gas stations. Board member Ewout Klok from Hoogeveen is not reassured. “I hold my heart.”

The Drenthe gas stations will feel the consequences of the cheaper rates in Germany, he thinks. “Our regular customers will soon be crossing the border. And they are right too. Otherwise you are a thief of your own wallet.” He expects the economic impact to go beyond gasoline alone. “Groceries, alcohol and smoking products: it is all cheaper in Germany. More entrepreneurs will therefore be affected by this. The leakage effect will be greater.”

In April, excise duties in the Netherlands also fell by 17 cents per liter. A step with which the price drop in Germany cannot be resisted.

A few months ago, Klok already spoke of a loss of income of ten to twenty percent for gas stations due to the high petrol prices. At that time, the announced excise duty reduction in Germany was not yet known. Does he now expect this to create an even bigger rip in the pants for entrepreneurs? “Hard to predict, but at least it won’t get any worse.”

Filling stations in the Netherlands would benefit from lowering fuel taxes. In the Netherlands we pay excise duty on petrol. An additional 21% VAT is levied on that amount. We pay taxes on taxes.” In Germany that is not the case and the excise duties are also a lot lower.

Klok: “It is idiotic that such large differences can exist within Europe. Have a conversation about it at an international level.”

Klok itself already offers a first step: set the VAT at the same rate that applies to food. So nine percent. “I don’t see that happening anytime soon. But we have to do something. We have to be careful that we don’t price ourselves out of the market.”
