‘Drenthe must become the horse province of the Netherlands’

Drenthe as the most attractive area for riders from all over the Netherlands. That is the dream of Stichting Paardenroutes Drenthe. As a first step, they want to tackle the poorly maintained bridle paths.

“Watch out, tree roots!” Driver Brigitte de Haas keeps a close eye on the path from the trestle for the two riders behind her. “Overhanging branches, stones and roots can injure a horse, and even make it lame.” In recent years, the maintenance of the bridleways has been handed over to volunteers and willing forest rangers. “We do a lot ourselves,” says De Haas. “But some branches and roots are too big and heavy.”

“Almost ten years ago, Staatsbosbeheer cut back on the budget for the maintenance of equestrian and driving routes,” explains Marjolein van Tiggelen. As chairman of Stichting Paardenroutes Drenthe, she wants there to be a structural policy for keeping track of the trails. “There are 900 kilometers of bridle path through Drenthe. They are beautiful paths, but it must remain that way.”

Last week, Van Tiggelen handed over her vision on horse recreation to the province and the recreation board of Drenthe. “Drenthe is the original province of the Netherlands. We think horses fit in well. They are a natural part of the environment.” The foundation not only wants good paths, but also sufficient rest areas. “Picnic tables with a place where you can tether a horse. Maybe also catering establishments with horse stables.”

Drenthe presents itself as a walking and cycling province. “Horse riding is also part of it,” says Van Tiggelen. “If we talk about it, I think we’ll go far.”
