Drenthe municipalities are committed to healthier food during sports competitions

The twelve municipalities in Drenthe want the food around sports competitions to become much healthier. They have committed themselves to the Healthy Sporting Events Covenant, a series of agreements that should lead to a healthier sporting and living environment.

The responsible sports councilors were present yesterday at the start of the European Championships road race for women in Coevorden. There they sign the agreements. Drenthe is the first province where all municipalities commit to this.

“The agreement provides support and ensures fewer unhealthy temptations,” says JOGG coordinator Dorien van de Kant. This organization ‘Youth at a Healthy Weight’ wants to encourage a healthy lifestyle as much as possible.

Coevorder sports councilor Joop Slomp received the riders in his city yesterday. “This moment is a wonderful opportunity to jointly express the intention to make events in Drenthe healthier,” he said.

Deputy Yvonne Turenhout (PvdA) adds: “The province of Drenthe wholeheartedly supports the Drenthe municipalities in signing the covenant.”
