Drenthe drug lab discovered, two Brabanders arrested

The police discovered a drug lab in Drenthe on Thursday that may have involved people from Brabant. It concerns a man from Oudenbosch and a man from Oud Gastel. It is not the first time that people from Brabant have been arrested for involvement in drug production in the north and east of the Netherlands.

The police were investigating and found the lab. Agents raided the lab in the early afternoon. That was hidden at the Eldijk in Holsloot.

The lab was still under construction but everything was there: boilers, burners and chemicals.

The police were able to arrest four people in and around the lab. It concerns two men from The Hague aged 54 and 57, a man from Coevorden aged 40 and a woman aged 41 from Amsterdam.

West Brabant
More arrests followed later in the day. It was not disclosed where the arrests were made. The suspects are a man (57) from Oudenbosch and a man (55) from Oud Gastel. And also a man from The Hague (28) and Rotterdam (46).

Holsloot is a village of less than two hundred inhabitants between Emmen and Coevorden. It is more than 200 kilometers from Oudenbosch and Oud-Gastel.

‘ Brabant’ drug labs have been discovered more often in Drenthe. In 2018, an ecstasy lab in Nieuw Amsterdam led to a group of criminals in Den Bosch. In 2020 there was a lab in Eext that was run by men from Bergen op Zoom. In 2020 there was a huge cokelab from Tilburgers in a riding school in Nijeveen.

Drug lab discovered in Holsloot, eight suspects arrested
