Drenthe Architecture Prizes awarded: ‘A pearl for the eye’

The jury chose it Drenthe Red, a design by +Peil Architecture and Urban Planning. Jan Clots and David de Boer transformed an old keuterij in Paterswolde into a home. The jury is pleased that the keuterij has been preserved.

“Because the function is becoming less and less appropriate to the times, this agricultural heritage is increasingly in danger of disappearing. They are important identity carriers that we must be careful with. By giving this keuterij a new function, the past of this place is given a future again. and the Drenthe identity is retained,” the jury writes.

Furthermore, the jury praised the facade design, because old and new come together there. “While the detailing of the existing facade is traditional, that of the new part is sleek and refined.” The jury also thinks the new window openings are well chosen. In addition, people are pleased with the good insulation and that circular material choices have been made. “A pearl for the eye.”
