Drent helps Groningen midwinter horn builders realize their dream: ‘This is not the longest’

Jan Bossen of the Giezelbaargbloazers in Veele was proud when he finished his midwinter horn: the possibly longest homemade midwinter horn in the Netherlands, which can actually be blown. But Peter Kuiper from Diever helps the Groninger out of his dream.

“About fifteen years ago I made a midwinter horn of 5.50 meters,” he says RTV North. That is ninety centimeters longer than the one from Veele.

“An entrepreneur came to me at the time and asked if I could make a midwinter horn for him. I have been making it for over thirty years, so I wanted to. I found a beautiful long oak and I made it together with my son, who has a jeep with a trailer, towed it to Oldendiever. There I let it dry for a year and then I made a midwinter horn out of it.”

Kuiper recently repaired his showpiece. “There were pieces missing because it had fallen. Now it hangs as good as new in Bospub De Boerdennen in Lhee.”

Kuiper does not dare to say whether he actually has the longest. “I don’t make it a competition either,” he laughs.

The Giezelbaargbloazers took it sportingly and acknowledged their defeat on Facebook.
