Dreaming of being pregnant – what does it mean

IS one of the most frequent dreams in women, but what does it mean to dream of being pregnant? “There is a significant correlation with generative desire in the broadest sense of the term: not just generating a new life but living new experiences” explains Dr. Maria Zaccagnino – EMDR psychologist and psychotherapist. “This particular dream underlines the need for change by bringing out new aspects of one’s life”.

Dreaming of being pregnant – meaning: what does psychology say?

Dreaming is the psychic action that takes place during sleep, explains the expert. The peculiarity of this activity is that it may not be remembered, although recent studies show that everyone dreams every night, and that very often it is the expression of a hope or a desire that is not always reachable.

«The dream represents an extremely personal component of everyone. Behind this in particular, yes they hide many intimate meanings, from one’s own experience as a child to that of a parent that you may be living “, explains the expert. Also, this dream it also contains the idea that everyone has of motherhood, any fears, fears and prejudices, it represents the same idea that over the years has been developed towards parenthood.

But it also emphasizes limitations: “For example, dreaming of being pregnant in menopause represents putting into action in the dream what can no longer happen in reality. It can be interpreted as the expression of a limit that is perceived in one’s life. This is why it is important to understand what the path of motherhood or more generally of generativity represents for the person ».

Behind the dream, the concept of generativity

Going beyond the simplest meaning, dreaming of being pregnant represents the future: «Behind this dream there is a generative aspect. It is not limited to the desire to become pregnant as to get involved in something new ” explains Dr. Zaccagnino, who continues: “analyzing the term”generativity“We note its etymology linked to terms such as ‘generosity’, ‘genius’, ‘parent’, ‘genesis’ but also ‘original’.

«They all have in common the root ‘gen’ which it contains the idea of ​​coming to light to last over time and leave a mark. It brings with it a strong component of projection towards the future and push for continuous research to achieve personal growth and fulfillment “.

Therefore, not only the desire for motherhood as an end in itself as much the desire for a new path or personal project to undertake, the need for a new beginning, explains Dr. Zaccagnino.

Dreaming of being pregnant without a belly, with a boy or twins – what does it mean?

This dream then develops in many different formseach with its own nuance. Dreaming of being pregnant without a bellyfor example, it has two meanings: the rejection of some aspects of gestation itself, such as the changing body but also the psychological and unconscious evolution that one is experiencing which prepares for a new phase of life.

Behind the dreaming of being pregnant with a male there is instead the signal of a need, that of reconnecting to the most courageous part of oneself, to the most determined and strong one which, symbolically, is represented by a male. A twin pregnancy tells of an inner conflict between the conscious and the unconscious: twins can also represent people who depend on us on an emotional level or who help in personal and professional growth.

The meanings are therefore multiple and, as the expert explains, they are associated with the idea that one has of pregnancy itself and of the relationship with it.

