Dream of Ties (11) falls to pieces: kart stolen | 1Limburg

A trailer containing the kart of 11-year-old Ties van Dijck from Arcen was stolen last Monday.

The value of the contents of the stolen trailer is more than ten thousand euros.

boyhood dream
He may only be 11 years old, but Ties has been active in karting for more than 6 years. At speeds of 100 kilometers per hour, he races at home and abroad every week. Much to the shock of Ties and his parents, his kart was stolen this week and his childhood dream of becoming a kart champion is in danger of being jeopardized. And Ties is very upset about that.

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old card
Jeroen van Dijck, Ties’ father, is also very disappointed. “It just sucks, this is our life’s work for the last six years. And besides that, it’s just a lot of money.” Ties still has an old kart at home, but it is not an option to drive another race with it. “Then he drives at the back”, says Ties’ father.

Ties’ grandfather is now a crowdfunding started to ensure that Ties can race a good kart again soon.
