Dream jobs: Little stress and still good pay

Many an investment banker is not to be envied: constant pressure to perform, well over 40 hours a week and no weekends. So it is understandable that such a professional life is not desirable for everyone. A US scientist named Laurence Shatkin may have thought the same thing and compared a number of jobs where you can earn a lot – without stress.

Approximately 800 jobs examined

For the study, Laurence Shatkin examined a total of around 800 well-paid jobs. He then classified the occupations on a stress level scale from 0 to 100. The closer the number is to zero, the less stress can be expected. The data is mainly based on the databases of the US Department of Labor and was published by Business Insider.

Accordingly, jobs at universities in particular are associated with less stress. But actuaries in the insurance industry also receive good money for a relatively low-stress job. In addition, professions such as orthodontists or opticians can convince with a good salary and little stress. However, according to the study, materials scientists face the least amount of stress. According to Business Insider, the stress level here is just 53 and the average annual salary is around 86,200 euros.

The consequences of too much stress

The pressure in everyday work is sometimes enormous. through the digitalization it seems to many people that the pace is increasing all the time. The consequences are overburdening, but also concerns about one’s own reputation or one’s job. So it’s no wonder that many can no longer cope with the pressure of everyday work. In the worst case, this can even lead to burnout.

Special risk groups are, for example, teachers, nurses, social workers or doctors. They are particularly exposed to stress because their work is associated with extreme interpersonal situations, which has a major impact on the development of burnout symptoms.

So if you are currently looking for a job, you can save yourself a lot of stress by making a good choice.

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Image sources: fotohunter / Shutterstock.com, Phatic-Photography / Shutterstock.com
