Dream bike at auction in Stafford, England. The Ducati 750 SS is the queen

In Stafford in England, precious motorbikes are on sale, including a coveted Ducati 750 SS listed between 165,000 and 200,000 euros net of auction fees. “There are motorbikes for all budgets” explains Alessandro Altinier, an important dealer of vintage motorbikes

Roberto Pontiroli Gobbi

07 October

– Milan

The prestigious Bonhams autumn auction will take place on 15 and 16 October in Stafford in England, a town 230 kilometers north of London. 116 motorcycles will be auctioned, including some wonderful pieces even if at prohibitive prices. The most coveted (and most expensive) bike is undoubtedly the 1974 Ducati 750 SS whose price is very high: between 165,000 and 200,000 euros, to which must be added the auction fees which are on the order of 20 percent. An important price, but it should be emphasized that this 750 SS is one of the first 200 examples built in Borgo Panigale out of the 450 produced between 1973 and 1974. Last year a similar model, less beautiful than this one, was sold for 136,000 euros. .

the most quoted

Also wonderful is a Vincent Black Prince 998 from 1955 proposed between 50 and 60,000 pounds, equal to about 56,800 and 68,300 euros, again net of auction fees. Finally, a very high price for two speedway motorcycles: the practically unknown 1934 Crocker 500, quoted from 100 to 150,000 pounds, equal to approximately 113,700 and 170,600 euros, and a 1927 Indian 350, quoted from 90,000 to 130,000 pounds, equal to approximately 102,300 and 147,800. EUR. Will they be bought? We are very curious to know.

“for all pockets”

According to Alessandro Altinier, a qualified trader of European vintage motorcycles, always present at the most prestigious auctions that take place in the old continent “it is an auction that deserves to be followed because there is everything and for all budgets. Compared to previous editions However, there are fewer bikes that cannot be found, but there is still a nice selection of very interesting pieces. In my opinion the most important piece at an international level is undoubtedly the Ducati 750 SS which is a bike that is always very coveted by collectors of all. the world. Then there are some interesting Vincent, such as Black Shadow and Black Prince “.

crocker, a valuable engine

“The 1934 Crocker? Not so much the bike as the engine is highly sought after in the United States – underlines Altinier – but 100-150,000 pounds seems an exaggerated price to me. We’ll see. The Stafford auction will still be a significant litmus test to verify the ‘trend of the market and especially if and how many European buyers will be, since the post Brexit is creating some more problems for these collectors whose presence in recent editions has dropped significantly, so much so that I already know for sure that many a Stafford will not be there. The market is still lively, but above all it rewards beautiful and important pieces, as long as they are offered at a fair and correct evaluation, that is, at a good quality-price ratio. because surprises can never be excluded. This is why making predictions on the eve is difficult and premature “.
