Dream about fleet of sailing merchant ships is slowly becoming reality

The dream of Alkmaarder Jorne Langelaan to build a new fleet of ultramodern sailing ships to trade through the world’s seas is starting to take shape. While the designs are awaiting approval, an old sailing freighter is being prepared for a new future at a shipyard in Franeker de Tukker.

“It is now really becoming very tangible. That makes it super fun and every day I wake up with a smile,” says Jorne Langelaan, while he is working hard on his ship in the back of the large ship hall, “And I’m not just happy. Always more people are dreaming about a future in which products that have to be transported are only transported sustainably”

Langelaan founded the company Ecoclipper in 2018. He designed a new ship based on an old Dutch design and plans to conquer the world’s seas with sailing merchant shipping. Not only banks or large investors can participate, private individuals can also join the cooperative. “That money will be invested in the Tukker, but also in the Ecoclipper itself, so also in the fleet of the future”


Before the new fleet is there, all drawings must be approved. Meanwhile, Langelaan brings the ship from 1912 back into service, the ship will again do what it was once intended for. “That’s the nice thing. This ship is a piece of Dutch history. These are the ships with which the economy was built at the beginning of the 20th century,” says Langelaan. “It’s also super sustainable. It’s recycling a ship that’s been used for 100 years.”

The Tukker will be deployed along the European coast. From north to south you can trade and the ship will be found. “Portugal for wine and olive oil, England for beer, cider and wool”, Langelaan sums up, “And of course cheese from Alkmaar. And so we are working on a nice sailing schedule. We are still busy building. If all goes well, she will then go to Willemsoord in Den Helder where we will prepare her further. We hope to hoist the sails at the end of June.”
