Dramatic appeal by the Ukrainian ambassador with pictures of dead children

His speech moved many MPs to tears. Ukraine Ambassador Andriy Melnyk (46) spoke in the House of Representatives about the terrible war in his homeland. He urgently asked for support in the fight against Putin’s army.

“We see war crimes every day,” said Parliament President Dennis Buchner (44). “There is no justification for this attack and it is inexcusable.” All MPs rose to greet the ambassador and applauded.

Russia’s February 24 attack was Ukraine’s worst day since World War II, Melnyk said. “This war of annihilation, a war against women and children, has been raging for 14 days.”

During his speech he held up photos of victims of the war. First by a boy of a year and a half from the port city of Mariupol. The place has been bombed day and night for two weeks: “With everything that brings death and devastation. No escape route, no electricity, no heating, no water supply. You gather snow to drink.”

The diplomat showed photos of a toddler who was fatally injured (Photo: Annette Riedl/dpa)
The diplomat showed photos of a toddler who was fatally injured (Photo: Annette Riedl/dpa)

The boy was seriously injured in a rocket attack. “His parents still manage to take the little one to the hospital, despite the shelling.” The boy died in the clinic.

Then photos of two girls. One seven years old: “She died in the shelling along with her grandfather. He was still trying to protect her with his own body.” The other is ten years old and from Kyiv: “She died with her parents and brother, her sister is in critical condition.”

Andrej Melnyk, Ambassador of Ukraine in Germany, showed photos of attacks on a children's hospital (Photo: Annette Riedl/dpa)
Andrej Melnyk, Ambassador of Ukraine in Germany, showed photos of attacks on a children’s hospital (Photo: Annette Riedl/dpa)

Then the diplomat addressed the Russian dictator directly: “Putin, you are a murderer! You will burn in hell for this, for all eternity!”

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For years, Russia would take action against Ukraine again and again. The ambassador: “The world has looked the other way, Germany has looked the other way. We should have stopped Putin back then, they failed!”

Melnyk begged for help for his homeland: “We need a supply corridor to Ukraine to provide people with medicine and food. We need a Berlin Airlift 2.0, only this time overland.”
