Drama at Schlachtensee – swimmer fights for his life

Rescue workers at Schlachtensee

A large number of emergency services from the fire brigade, the DRK and the DLRG were on site Photo: Spreepicture

By Dirk Boettger

Another serious swimming accident in Berlin. At around 7:34 p.m. on Saturday evening, the fire brigade received an emergency call: “Person lost in the Schlachtensee”!

A large contingent of rescuers was immediately deployed. According to initial findings, three people were swimming in the Schlachtensee when one of the swimmers suddenly went under.

A lifeguard from the DRK and divers from the DRK were able to save the person shortly after arrival. They were supported by the DLRG. On land, an emergency doctor and paramedics from the Berlin fire brigade took over the resuscitation of the person. He was taken to the hospital under resuscitation conditions.

Swimmers went down in the Schlachtensee

Task forces of the Berlin fire brigade at Schlachtensee Photo: Spreepicture

It is now being determined how the serious swimming accident could have happened again.

34 emergency services from the Berlin fire brigade, nine emergency services from the DRK and six emergency services from the DLRG were involved in the large-scale rescue. The relief organizations are volunteer rescuers, including divers and lifeguards.


Swimming accident in the Berlin fire brigade in Schlachtensee
