Draghi government at the end of the line: what happens now

THEL Draghi government has come to an end. Several factors contributed to putting an end to the agenda of someone who many saw as the salvation of the country.

First of all, certainly the 5 Star Movement, who did not participate in the vote, while remaining in the classroom, but not only. In fact, the negative outcome also weighed decisively the absences of Lega and Forza Italia, gone away from the hemicycle.

Draghi Government: time out

In this situation, the Government has obtained confidence in the Senate, but with only 95 votes in favor, too small a number to continue the journey.

And so, a pure electoral calculation killed Mario Draghi, leaving Italy without a government and in uncertaintyjust when there is a need for more government and more certainty.

Prime Minister Mario Draghi leaves Parliament. His support for the Government has dropped

It goes up from Mattarella

After a day that began with the speech of the Prime Minister at Palazzo Madama and continued with cross-party vetoes and motions to save the executive, even the Quirinale must take note that there is no way to keep the former president of the central bank going.

Mattarellahe had done what he could for avoid the traumatic end of the legislature and a government strongly wanted to guide the country between Covid and war and manage the very difficult path of National plan for reconstruction and resilience (Pnrr).

But after this result there is nothing more to be done. Draghi will go to the Chamber this morning to announce his step back and then will go up to the Quirinale to resign in the hands of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella.

A brief history of a troubled legislature

The eighteenth legislature has a decidedly troubled history. From the yellow-green executive at the maneuver by Matteo Renzi to bring down the Giallorossi that brought to Mario Draghihas so far given rise to three governments and two crises.

The first elections took place on March 4, 2018, with the Conte I yellow-green government that swore on June 1, 2018. And the first crisis was decided by Matteo Salvini in August 2019 and brought Conte II to the oath of the Giallorossi government on 5 September 2019.

At that point, it was resignation of the ministers of Italia Viva Teresa Bellanova and Elena Bonetti to open a new crisis in January 2021, the one that led to the Draghi Government, with a majority from the Lega in Leu, which was sworn in on February 13, 2021. And here we are today: Draghi had submitted his resignation to Mattarella on July 14 last. The president of the Republic he had rejected them and parliamentarized the crisis.

Draghi Government: what happens now

The election campaign begins todayin perfect timing, since the country is going through the perfect storm between war, pandemic, inflation, crisis and speculation.

The Quirinale, despite having averted this outcome, was in any case ready for some time for the traumatic event: the offices of the president had already studied the path to take that has its milestone in early elections.

Probable date 2 Octoberalthough rather unusual in Italy, where voting is avoided in the autumn because it is too close to the discussion of the budget law.

