Dr. Ivanna Meloni: New Year’s Eve and our Mental Health… How to take care of it? -Brand

Anxiety, grief and loneliness can intensify during the end-of-year festivities, especially in the family context. Celebrations often highlight the importance of family unity, which can be painful for those who have lost loved ones or face difficulties in their relationships. It is essential to recognize and validate the various emotional experiences that can arise during this time, encouraging emotional support and mutual understanding. Instead of focusing exclusively on holiday cheer, it is important to cultivate a space that allows each individual to process their emotions, thus facilitating a more compassionate and supportive environment.

The end of the year, marked by festivities and reflections, can have a significant impact on mental health. It is essential to recognize the challenges that arise during this period and provide guidance to maintain emotional balance.

Certain points to take into account may be:

  • Social Expectations and Pressures:

The social expectations associated with the holiday season can create significant pressures. From the idea of ​​the “perfect family” to the pressure to reflect on the year’s accomplishments, these standards can contribute to stress and anxiety. To take care of our Mental Health, it is advisable to set realistic expectations, promoting self-acceptance and the understanding that there is no single standard of celebration.

Loneliness, compounded by social pressure to share these moments with loved ones, can intensify, especially in the context of challenges like the pandemic. It is essential to recognize the importance of social connections, including through virtual platforms, and seek support if isolation is experienced.

The stress accumulated throughout the year can reach its peak this season. To take care of our Mental Health, we must emphasize the need for stress management strategies, which can include everything from the practice of full attention (Mindfulness) to conscious time planning. Maintaining a stable routine and prioritizing self-care are essential.

If symptoms of anxiety or depression persist, it is crucial to seek professional help. Mental Health professionals offer a range of interventions, from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to psychopharmacological treatment, tailored to individual needs.

In conclusion, Mental Health during the end of the year requires specific attention. Emphasizing understanding, empathy and actively promoting emotional well-being, recognizing the diversity of experiences and offering support to those who need it.





Htal. Pirovano

Scientific Secretary of the APSA Anxiety Disorders Chapter

If you need professional support, you can contact Dr:

IG: @dra.ivanameloni



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