Dr. Cristina Petratti | News

Cristina Petrati was born and raised in a small town in Argentina.
At the age of 25, she graduated as a doctor.

During her first 12 years in the profession, she was dedicated to emergencies and intensive care where, as she says, she learned “all the worst things that can happen to a human being, and how devastating metabolic diseases are.”

He witnessed the suffering of people who reached a state of no return as a result of diseases that could be prevented. He understood the importance of being and staying healthy so as not to reach that extreme.

In addition to being a doctor, she is also a businesswoman and has built, with Dr. Adrián Suárez -her life partner and partner-, a health company in Argentina that is currently a reference for home hospitalization (ARMD).

“One day it occurred to me to observe myself. I found that she had a sedentary, adrenaline-filled life, with chronic stress and poor rest habits. A diet under a magnet decorated the door of my refrigerator. My discontent, my frustration, my demotivation for doing “magical” and restrictive diets led me to decide to give added value to my profession. I discovered nutritional coaching, nutrition and sports nutrition. And above all, I discovered that many diseases can be prevented by changing certain habits”says Petrati.

Petrati moved to Spain in 2019 and six months later, she faced a pandemic.

Although she needed to continue working, few people in Spain knew her. She decided to write a book that combines her experience of 22 years as a Physician, and her expertise in nutrition. Her book was a best-seller on Amazon.

In the family medicine area of ​​the Quiron Salud Group, a well-known private center in Spain, they treated people of different nationalities. Mostly Ibero-American. There he observed that this was a neglected sector due to the volume of people who, upon migrating, had completely changed their eating habits.

The Cristina Petrati method, a registered trademark, is mainly differentiated by being a triad of Mediterranean diet, physical exercise of 30 minutes a day and emotional management.

Petrati has helped more than 2,000 patients in Spain, the United States, the United Kingdom and Latin America, with surprising results. She has added emotion management to her method to make it more effective and sustainable over time, targeting the well-being and physical, mental and emotional health of people.

The doctor offers nutrition services, nutritional coaching, obesity psychology, physical therapy and physical activity training.

The following are quotes from the Book “Lose Weight” written by Cristina Petratti:

… “Transform what you think and feel, so you can then change what you put in your mouth” …

… “Because it is not just about losing weight, but about learning to live in a balanced way and taking care of your health” …

… “True happiness that leads to well-being does not come by chance, it comes by purpose”

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, it is a habit. (Aristotle)

Contact information:

Website: www.cristinapetratti.com

Instagram: @crispetratti

Email: [email protected]


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