dpa-AFX overview: COMPANY – The most important reports from the weekend

ROUNDUP: The federal and state governments are fighting for a successor to the 9-euro ticket

BERLIN – A good three weeks before the cheap 9-euro ticket expires, the federal and state governments are fighting over a possible follow-up offer for the cheap ticket. The financing of a follow-up solution is still particularly controversial. Bavaria insists that the federal government alone bears the costs for the follow-up offer in local and regional transport. Other countries signaled their willingness to provide co-financing. Finance Minister Christian Lindner sees no scope for additional federal funds.

SAS pilots vote for collective agreement – new strike averted

STOCKHOLM – Hundreds of Danish, Norwegian and Swedish pilots at the airline SAS (SAS AB) have spoken out in favor of a negotiated new collective agreement. In ballots in their respective countries, they agreed to the agreement with the airline, as several unions involved announced on Saturday. The Scandinavian airline is thus avoiding another pilot strike of the kind it experienced for two weeks in the course of a wage dispute in July. It cost the SAS millions, and more than 3,700 flights were cancelled.

BDI boss Russwurm for precautions for possible continued nuclear power plant operation

BERLIN – Industry President Siegfried Russwurm expects politicians to take precautions for possibly extending the operation of German nuclear power plants beyond the end of the year. “Politics and business should prepare everything for a possible temporary continued operation. And if we don’t need it then, we’ll be happy,” said the head of the Federation of German Industries (BDI) of the German Press Agency in Berlin.

Hella proposes new members for the shareholders’ committee and the supervisory board

LIPPSTADT – The automotive supplier Hella (HELLA GmbHCo) has proposed two new members for the shareholders’ committee and the supervisory board. The former member of the Volkswagen (Volkswagen (VW) vz) board of directors for the commercial vehicles division, Andreas Renschler, is to take over the chairmanship of the Hella supervisory board, the SDAX-listed company surprisingly announced on Friday afternoon in Lippstadt. Manager Judith Buss, who has worked as CFO at various Eon companies (EON SE), among other things, was nominated to chair the audit committee. Both follow Klaus Khn, who for personal reasons wants to resign at the end of the Annual General Meeting. This is planned for September 30th.

War-related bottlenecks: More grain cultivation possible in Germany

BERLIN – In view of the tense international agricultural markets resulting from the Ukraine war, farmers in Germany can use more land for growing grain. To this end, the new EU regulations on set-aside and crop rotation are to be suspended once in the coming year. The aim is to secure the supply of food. That is what a compromise proposal by Agriculture Minister Cem zdemir (Greens) envisages. The farmers’ association welcomed the step, but considers a suspension for one year to be insufficient. Approval also came from the federal states and from the coalition partner FDP. Environmentalists, on the other hand, accused zdemir of giving in to pressure from the agricultural lobby and torpedoing species protection.

Mechanical engineers warn of wave of bureaucracy due to EU reporting obligations

FRANKFURT – The German machine builders criticize the planned EU reporting obligations for companies on sustainability as unrealistic. The planned directive (CSRD) will overwhelm many medium-sized companies that are subject to the reporting obligation for the first time and will ultimately lead to a bonanza for consultants, the industry association VDMA warned on Sunday.

Tenants’ Association warns: Millions will not be able to pay heating costs

BERLIN – According to estimates by the German Tenants’ Association, millions of households will not be able to pay their heating costs because of the exploding gas prices. “That’s a hell of a lot of people,” said association president Lukas Siebenkotten to the “Tagesspiegel” (Monday). People who are just above state aid are particularly affected. “We’re talking about millions here,” warned Siebenkotten. Russia, which invaded Ukraine at the end of February, has severely curtailed its gas supplies through the Nord Stream 1 Baltic Sea pipeline. This is one of the reasons why prices are rising sharply.

Wissing calls for more speed in the expansion of e-car charging stations

MAINZ – Federal Minister of Transport Volker Wissing urges more haste in expanding the charging stations for electric cars. “If it is not possible to set up charging stations in good time, there will be difficulties,” warned the FDP politician in an editorial interview with the German Press Agency in Mainz. “The municipalities that have a poor charging infrastructure will feel it,” said Wissing. “The automotive industry, which wants to sell the vehicles, also has to think about where the charging stations come from.”


Additional Reports

-Head of consumer protection: Saving energy remains the order of the day

-Expert warns: Solar energy industry is heavily dependent on China

-Check24: Accident hotspots make car insurance more expensive

-For more gas: Waste industry calls for increased use of organic waste bins

-ROUNDUP 2/Klns Baumgart to Modeste-Change to BVB: ‘Time borderline’

-Nuclear Regulatory Chief: War Requires New Nuclear Energy Risk Assessment

-Photovoltaics is booming: new opportunities for the German solar industry

Justice Minister Buschmann defends new corona protection concept

-Survey: Every tenth person has already bought an electric heater

-Immunologist Watzl: Wait for the adapted vaccine with a fourth vaccination

-Bavaria’s environment ministry rejects criticism of TV paper

-ROUNDUP: RBB director Schlesinger resigns

-Ministry of the Environment sharply criticizes TV paper on nuclear power plants

-ROUNDUP/’Oral agreement with BVB’: Modeste not in the Cologne squad

-Bara may have to sell more club rights

-ROUNDUP/Grillverband: Increased demand for vegetarian grilled products

Customer Note:

ROUNDUP: You are reading a summary in the company overview. There are several reports on the dpa-AFX news service on this subject.

