Dozens of sports clubs in need of money: ‘We no longer pay Essent’

Already 45 sports clubs in Brabant have reported to the new reporting point of the Register for Association Directors (RVVB). These clubs can no longer afford the high energy bill and government support is not enough. In total, about 280 clubs have already reported to the national hotline.

There are already eight clubs in Breda that report payment problems. Most associations in the city still have enough money to last for the time being, says Yannick Gosens of sports umbrella organization Breda Actief. “Two associations in Breda are in acute need. Some others are already having serious problems reported.”

“We no longer pay the energy bill.”

One of the clubs in acute need is TVC Breda, a smaller club in the Tuinzigt district. Chairman Peter Nieuwlaat is at a loss: “It’s not two to twelve here, but a few seconds to twelve. We no longer pay the energy bill. So I am afraid that Essent will close things down and then it will end here.”

“I expect many more emergencies in 2023.”

Yannick Gosens van Breda Actief expects that many more clubs will be in need of money in his city. “There are already problems and I expect many more emergencies in 2023 when many associations really run out of money.”

Gosens wants quick action from the municipality. “The municipality is working on a support package. The city council has already met a number of times and I expect a decision on support for the associations before the end of the year.”

Chairman Peter Nieuwlaat of TVC.
Chairman Peter Nieuwlaat of TVC.

Chairman Nieuwlaat sees the future of his club TVC gloomy. “We are a small club and after the corona period we already had little money in cash. And then you get the bill from Essent. Together we have about 10,000 euros in costs per month. Now about 4000 euros is added to that. That is not possible for such a small club.”

“We asked the members to contribute a little extra, but there was not much response. And in a neighborhood like Tuinzigt where not the very wealthiest live, 40 euro contribution is extra money. Maybe we can get a loan from the municipality or a donation. Then we can pay Essent and the gate does not have to be closed.”

“We all have to learn from each other.”

Breda Actief, which supports clubs throughout Breda, wants to see with the municipality what measures are needed for each club. “Most clubs are still doing well,” says Gosens. “And for the clubs in need, such as TVC, there must be customization. And we all have to learn from each other. What yields a nice saving at one club can also work well at another club. Associations are our cultural heritage. If they fall over, then that is an eternal sin.”

Yannick Gosens of sports dome Breda Active.
Yannick Gosens of sports dome Breda Active.
