Dozens of passengers trapped on a Rodalies train stopped by a cone in the province of Barcelona

An act of vandalism has slowed down the march of a train of Rodalies of line R15, between Vilanova i la Geltrú and cubelles. The convoy has been stopped suddenly and in the dark with dozens of passengers inside at around 8:00 p.m. Renfe has ensured that the incident was due to the fact that “some vandals have put a cone on the track”, which has caused “damage to the train”, which had left Barcelona and was heading towards its destination, Riba-roja d’ fever. The vehicle has become unusable and without the possibility of following the journey.

An hour and a half after the incident, most of the travelers were still inside the train, in the dark and without knowing the reason for the setback. “We are desperate. There are older people and children,” Maribel explained to EL PERIÓDICO, one of those affected who is in one of the carriages with a minor. The passenger has commented that some travelers, overwhelmed by the mishap, have opened the emergency door.

“Three passengers who go with bicycle and they have gone through the mountain”, he assured. Behind them, other people have continued to get off the wagons, helping themselves with “the flashlight of the mobile” and “pulling up the mountain”, Maribel has described. The passengers have continued to risk going down the tracks until security personnel have arrived to prevent it.

train transfer

Renfe has informed that the travelers were going to be transferred through gangways to another train. When the commuter train had been stopped for an hour, the passengers waited to be transferred to another convoy to continue the journey. “There’s a baby in the trolley in the middle of the corridor and a quarter of an hour ago they told us that they were transferring us to another train… How desperate! We are in the dark and without electricity“, Maribel lamented in conversation with this medium.

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Minutes later, a suburban train departed with part of the passenger. The rest have remained in the stopped vehicle waiting for another convoy, when they had been detained for about two hours.

The incident has caused delays this Saturday afternoon in the Rodalies lines. As a train has been immobilized on the rails, circulation has been limited in the area where the unforeseen event occurred to the only free track, in the direction of Barcelona. Renfe has estimated delays of 15 minutes.
