Dozens of farmers drive around in Het Hogeland lit up and honking

Dozens of farmers drove around Het Hogeland on Friday evening with the illuminated tractors and honking their horns.

They want to show the positive side of the agricultural sector and encourage people.

The light procession is an initiative of Boeren Sameverband Noord Nederland. These farmers want to give people some cheer at the end of the year.

Procession through Eemsdelta

Earlier this week the parade drove through Eemsdelta, Friday evening the procession went through Het Hogeland. They started in Den Andel and drove via Pieterburen, Kloosterburen, Ulrum, Leens and Baflo to Winsum. Via Facebook, among other things, they keep residents informed of their trips and route.

The people who comment on their Facebook page appreciate the light tour. ,,Super! It was very nice to see! Hopefully the message will also get across in The Hague! Big support for BBB!”, writes Marion Mus. ,,You made a lot of people happy with your light rides”, responds Ina Boerma.

Residents give thumbs up

Along the route in Het Hogeland, groups of residents are watching everywhere, they raise their thumbs and wave to the drivers of the tractors.
