Download the Iphone update as soon as possible

This is an important security update.

Iphone downloads should be downloaded as soon as possible. Adobe Stock / AOP

Apple has brought an update to IOS as well as IpadOS that fixes a security issue that could allow arbitrary code to run.

Apple says on their support page be aware that the vulnerability may have been actively exploited.

Updates for IOS 15.3.1 and IpadOS 15.3.1 fix a single vulnerability. It is not uncommon for Apple to bring an update to fix individual issues, but updates often fix a number of issues that are detected.

Iphone and Ipad should be updated as soon as possible. Here’s how to update:

1. Open Settings.

2. Select General.

3. Select Software update.

4. Select Download and installif an update is available.

Apple introduced the Iphone 13 in September 2021. Reuters
