“Down Set Talk! – The NFL Podcast” from 27.4. on RTL+ Music

RTL+ Musik landed the next big hit and provided the perfect introduction to the NFL draft with “Down Set Talk! – The NFL Podcast from RTL”.

From April 27th, the hosts Adrian Franke and Christoph Kröger will take a close look at what is happening on and off the field for the streaming service and offer the tactical and analytical discussion about the strongest football league in the world with their popular podcast.

It starts with three episodes all about the draft, with a last preview on Thursday and the direct reactions after the first two draft days on April 28th and 29th. Which career dreams come true and which ones go up in smoke? Exclusively on RTL+ Musik, the experienced football experts devote themselves to the peculiarities of the US professional league in additional special episodes every month.

All regular editions of “Down Set Talk! – RTL’s NFL Podcast” appear every Thursday on RTL+ Musik and wherever there are podcasts.
