Douwe Bob puts lawyer on Yvonne Coldeweijer: ‘Take this away!’

Douwe Bob sent a lawyer to Yvonne Coldeweijer at the beginning of last week, because she suggested that he is or has behaved aggressively towards women. “Take this away!”

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Yvonne Coldeweijer states that Douwe Bob cannot keep his aggression under control. “It is of course generally known that Douwe Bob has an aggression problem. Not only with regard to men, by the way… But that may be a topic for another time,” she wrote in her stories on Instagram.

Douwe Bob not happy

It is clear that Yvonne alludes to Douwe behaving or has behaved aggressively towards women. If something were to come out about that, it would cause him enormous image damage. He has therefore warned the juice queen by putting a lawyer on it.

She tells in her brand new spy vlog: “I just got a call from my lawyer that Douwe Bob’s lawyer had called if I wanted to take away something I had said.”

Dot dot dot

Yvonne doesn’t think she’s gone too far. “I said that it is generally known that Douwe has an aggression problem and that he did not only have that towards men, dot dot dot, and that I would discuss the topic again later. That’s all I said.”

She’s not that impressed with his lawyer. “So now you have a very nice look behind the scenes; so this happens often. So he put a lawyer on it and asked if I want to remove it.”

“Find it out!”

Such an Instagram story is only available for a maximum of 24 hours, according to Yvonne. “He was supposed to send a letter and that was already hours ago, but of course that story is only there for 24 hours or so, so maybe they’ll leave it alone. I haven’t heard anything further, so I have no idea. He’s just figuring it out.”

Later in the vlog, Yvonne says: “I haven’t heard anything from DB. No lawyer, no note. Gosh, very strange. How could that be?”

Spy vlog

Yvonne’s spy vlog, in which she gives an exclusive look behind the scenes of her juice and fashion empire, can be viewed via her private juice channel. You can join this paid Telegram chat via hats off
