Douwe Bob mocked in mega hit Even Tot Hier: ‘Albert Heijn rammer!’

Street terror as a welcome gift: they are still recovering from Douwe Bob’s move in Abcoude. The singer has now been made fun of in the mega hit Even Tot Hier.

© RTL, Maps

Things are getting crazy with all those celebrities: at the Jordanian Jumbo nowadays someone has to be on the lookout 24/7 to make sure Glennis Grace is not walking through the street and in Abcoude they now have the male variant: Douwe Bob. Last weekend he worked hard for the local Albert Heijn, a stone’s throw from Eva Jinek’s house.

Ramming Bob

Douwe has now been quite mocked in the very well-watched TV hit Just Until Here. This includes the question of why so many Dutch people now do their shopping in Germany. “It’s too dangerous in the Netherlands, because Douwe Bob is there beating everyone up,” Niels van der Laan jokes.

Colleague Jeroen Woe turns it into a quiz question for the audience: “Douwe Bob hit a probably 16-year-old boy in front of the supermarket in Abcoude and there are images of it, so we know what he said. What did he say to that boy? What did he shout, that rascal?” The answer? “Die!”


Why Douwe was fighting so much? “Of course he wants to rectify the overpopulation he has caused,” Jeroen jokes, pointing to the entire battalion of women he has impregnated.

Jeroen thinks that they now walk through the streets in Abcoude with fear and trembling. “Everyone in Abcoude is now very afraid of this new resident. A new campaign was also immediately started: ‘See Bob, say it out loud!’”

Supermarket terror

A little later, Even Tot Hier gives a free minute of shopping to a woman who is not well off. Suddenly a life-size Glennis made of cardboard appears in the supermarket. “Watch out, watch out. Oh, she wasn’t beaten. She can continue,” it sounds.

And a little later, cashier Douwe follows on cardboard: “Oh no! Be careful not to get hit! Don’t get pregnant!”


Even Tot Hier also had a cheerful reunion of Bonnie St. Claire and Ron Brandsteder in store:
