Douwe Bob lashes out at Yvonne live on TV: ‘It’s just poison!’

Douwe Bob can’t stomach that Yvonne Coldeweijer is pretty juicy juice spread about him. He went all out yesterday at Humberto Tan. “It’s just poison!”

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Celebrities really only want to get the media with good news. If they have a new girlfriend and everything goes well, they display it extensively social media. But what if the fairy tale suddenly turns out not to be a fairy tale at all? Then the shutters close and they are furious when the juice channels still try to cheat.

Douwe lashes out

Douwe Bob can’t handle it either. Thanks to Yvonne Coldeweijer, the whole world knows that he has a child in just about every medium-sized municipality, but also that he would have aggression problems and not only towards men. Douwe himself denies it all; he says he is surprised that Yvonne has never been beaten.

Yvonne may find the singer a ‘piece of scum’, but Douwe is not exactly impressed by her either. He was a guest on Humberto Tan’s talk show last night, where Heleen van Royen was given plenty of room to spit her bile over the juice channels. She has a book about it juice written.

No words

During the conversation with Heleen, Humberto Tan addresses the public gallery with a number of Dutch celebrities. “Listen, I have a whole bank of experts by experience. I’m sure you’re bummed about it. Douwe, you are the most prominent: have you ever lost sleep over it?”

Douwe: “No, no… I ehh, I also think it’s a shame, to be honest, really a shame to waste words on it.”

Humberto: “I see.”

Douwe: “I really enjoy spending my energy on beautiful, fun and positive things. I want to keep it that way.”

“It’s poison!”

Humberto continues to ask. “Poison. Do you find the poison?”

Douwe: “Yes, of the worst. It’s really evil. I don’t want anything to do with it. I could never read a book about it, to be honest. A lot of respect for what you do in your profession, of course, but I would ehh… You now see photos of those people again (in the decor, ed.), we give them a stage again and it’s just a shame, I think .”

He continues: “Now weather has… I don’t know how many people are watching, but now weather has… How many people are watching?”

Humberto: “600 thousand people approximately.”

Douwe: “Yes, they have now heard Yvonne’s name again. There are people who will follow it again.”

‘Stop it!’

The media should keep the juice channels quiet, says Douwe. “Really the only way you stop this is the same way you stop racism. You have to stop talking about racism, stop talking about discrimination. Stop talking about things like this.”

Humberto: “I don’t know if that’s true, Douwe. But you shouldn’t give it the platform it doesn’t deserve in your eyes?”

Douwe: “Yes, that’s what I mean more.”

Heleen: “Other media – and they also have to look at themselves in the mirror – are taking over. ‘Yvonne says this’, ‘she says that’, ‘Juice Channel says that’.”

Humberto: “Certainly, AD, Telegraaf, everyone does that.”

‘Juice from then’

Finally, Humberto points out that Heleen also spread juice once, namely by dirt about the sex life of Rob Oudkerk. “What’s the difference from then, this juice, and the juice from now?”

Heleen: “Well, the difference is that Rob told me himself, in the sense of: this should be possible, right? And he knew that I was a columnist at Het Parool. I have also publicly apologized about it five times, because I thought the consequences were terrible.”

Then to Douwe: “What is happening to you now Douwe… And you don’t want to say anything more about it, I understand that, because you will never get rid of it… And that is really bad. (…) From me, juice channels should simply be banned.”
