Double damper Collection Brands: no contribution for renovation and professionals

Museum Collectie Brands is forced to postpone a large-scale renovation once again. Initially, the shovel would go into the ground last fall, but that will now be the spring of 2024, says chairman Hank Peters. The reason for the postponement is a rejected subsidy request by the municipality of Emmen.

Last year, the museum presented plans to expand the exhibition space with an eye-catching glass corridor. A new museum restaurant in the shape of a coffee grinder is the other striking part of the renovation plan. Last October, Peters hoped the project would be completed by the end of this year after more than a year of delay. But that deadline has been pushed back.

At the end of June, the museum foundation applied for a subsidy of almost €100,000. An amount of 67,500 as a contribution to the expansion of the museum, with an additional 25,000 euros to be able to retain the professional staff hired since 2018.

But in both cases the municipality is holding back. The museum already receives a subsidy of around 70,000 euros per year, which is relatively high compared to other comparable local facilities, according to the municipality. The ceiling has therefore been reached for Brands in that case.

According to Peters, the 67,500 euros was intended for a landscape integration. “The municipality even advised us to include that in the application.” The rejection does not immediately jeopardize the expansion plans. “But it is a setback. We have therefore postponed the expansion to February.”

The museum is now making the building energy-neutral with solar panels, heat pumps and LED lighting. “Through this action we hope to claim alternative funds and other options for borrowing money.” The foundation does not turn to the municipality again. “They just don’t want to. Then we’re done.”

A double downer is the rejection of the 25,000 euros. Until 2018, the museum always had to rely on volunteers. In 2018, Brands received money from the Mondriaan Fund to appoint two professional employees. Their contracts run until October this year. Hence the request for extra money, so that these professionals can stay on.

But here too, Brands is left empty-handed. “So we can no longer fill those two positions by the end of this year.” With that, the foundation is back to square one as far as professionalization is concerned. “I don’t get it,” Peters sighs. “Investments are being made in a Rensenpark, but apparently no longer in the area.”

In 2021, the museum still assumed an investment of 750,000 euros. Due to the increased construction costs, that amount has risen to just over one million euros. The museum itself contributes four hundred thousand euros to the metamorphosis.
