Dots are put on the i at new primary schools at Esdal Klazienaveen

Wherever you look, there are piles of empty and full moving boxes as far as the eye can see. The employees of the brand new merger school obs Klazienaveen are working hard to get their new accommodation ready for Monday. The accommodation is special, because the school was located in and near the local location of Esdal College.

The reason for the new building is the merger of three primary schools in Klazienaveen: De Spil, De Planet and De Viersprong. “The plans for the merger had been in place for years,” explains location director Jacqueline Grupstra.

In addition, two out of three schools suffered from shrinkage. Added to this was the dated character of the three school buildings concerned. In short, enough reasons to join forces and look for a new location for a new school. “That’s how we ended up at Esdal College.”

According to Gerrie Benes, location director of Esdal College, the new neighbors take some getting used to. “It is of course a different age group than our current students”, he smiles. “Years ago it was suggested more cooperation between primary and secondary education. I think this step is a nice result of the idea we had at the time.”
