Doping, Tobi Amusan suspended after three missed tests

The 26-year-old Nigerian revealed the measure on social media: “I intend to dispute this accusation, I will be there at the World Cup”

Risk of disqualification for Tobi Amusan, the world champion and world record holder (12″12 at the 2022 World Championships in Eugene) of the 100 hurdles. She was the same Nigerian athlete who revealed via social media that she was accused of missing three doping tests in 12 months, a scenario that could trigger a suspension of up to two years. “I plan to dispute this charge and my case will be heard by a panel of three arbitrators before the start of next month’s World Cup,” she wrote. I am a clean athlete, I am regularly (perhaps more than usual) subjected to checks by the AIU, with the last test carried out a few days after the third ‘missed check’. I am confident that this case will be resolved in my favor and that I will be present at the World Cup in August.” The 26-year-old Nigerian this season has the second fastest time overall (12″34), behind the Olympic champion Jasmine Camacho-Quinn (12″31).
