‘Don’t use your phone’ and 5 more tips to collect as much money as possible during the free market

dress conspicuously, ask for a little more money than you want to get and make sure you don’t spend all your time on your phone. Jan Hofstede, two-time Dutch champion stand works (or market seller) shares his tips with everyone who wants to get the most out of it today during the free market on King’s Day. What is the secret to selling everything and raising as much money as possible?

Jan Hofstede became Dutch standing champion in 2005 and 2008 and finished sixth at the 2019 world championships. The Hardenberger stands every Friday with his stall at the market in Emmen and there too he has already applied the noble art of selling several times. “At the end of the day, when everything has to go, that comes in handy,” he laughs. If you can use some tips, sit back and relax, because Hofstede shares his working method with us.
