Don’t kill me: the plot of the horror film with Alice Pagani coexistence horror and romance? Not simple, yet Do not kill me, love thriller and cannibalism with Alice Pagani and Rocco Fasano – available from this week on Netflix – he does it very well.

Released last year directly on VOD due to the pandemic, it is a coming of age bloody that winks at small cult like the Swede let me inis that behind the analysis of the female psychology of the protagonistof the fear of a changing adolescent body, it is meant to be a metaphor for growth and self-discovery.

Do not kill me: the plot

Mirta (Alice Pagani) and Robin (Rocco Fasano) are two teenagers so in love that they naively swear eternal love to one another. However, they end up dead due to an overdose, which occurred during a full moon night.

A natural event that nevertheless seems to be the cause for which the girl wakes up from death. Confused and lost, however, she manages to take stock of her situation, and to understand that she is alive again but with some differences compared to before. She is indeed thirsty for blood and human flesh.

Alice Pagani and Rocco Fasano.

It also misses it Robin, and hopes he comes back alive too, to finally be together, this time forever. But while she searches for him among her graves, a group of mysterious men hunt her down to make some kind of resurrection ritual of her.

A Twilight Italian?

Adapted fromnovel of the same name gothic by Chiara Palazzolofor how it mixes romanticism, dark tones and a pinch of subculture emo, the film was immediately cataloged as Italian “response” a Twilight.

With the difference that in the saga with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart the protagonists are vampires; here instead we are dealing with cannibals and “survivors”, or boys who died violently who return to this side to settle some unfinished business. And with a broken love.

So that more than on couple dynamics, Don’t kill me focuses on Mirta’s psychological “mutation”. Followed in his nocturnal wanderings through woods, discos, desolate streets and “bad wolves”. Hunted also by gangs and in search of a new identity, the girl is reborn and experiences the impulses of atavistic hunger which is a consequence of isolation and the sense of adolescent “monstrosity”.

Which causes you to bite and ea tear your life to pieces to accept yourself.

Don't kill me Alice Pagani Netflix

But Mirta’s parable often does not find adequate support in the staging. The horror tones allow the director Andrea De Sicagrandson of Christian, to deal with the classic themes of adolescence only partially, also due to the somewhat limited dimension of genre cinema.

The operation was therefore only half successfuldespite the good visual impact and the contribution of a great screenwriter like Gianni Romolihistorical collaborator of Özpetek and Michele Soavi for pulp films such as Of the death of love.

Alice Pagani’s talent

Already directed by De Sica in the series Baby, the young actress from Ascoli Piceno has become in a few years one of the most promising stars of his generation. In addition to that singer and writer fresh from publication.

Discovered by Paolo Sorrentinowho chose her for an important role in TheirAlice recently starred in Vasco Rossi’s new video clip We are here.

He does not express himself on his future projects. Meanwhile, for a few days she celebrated 24 years together with her boyfriend Dark Pyrex, rapper in force in the Dark Polo Gang. Together since 2018the couple has formalized the link with an Instagram postwhile remaining very modest about the affection that binds them.

