Don’t get comfortable by Camila Raznovich: the review by Aldo Cazzullo

Aldo Cazzullo (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

«TIt all began at a precise moment, when, during the lockdown, I found myself locked in the house with my daughters – with whom I was very happy to spend more time – and I realized how, until then, we had lived in an extremely protected and comfortable condition and how unprepared we were to face that situation.”

To her daughters, with the beautiful names of Viola and Sole, Camila Raznovich has dedicated her new book, Don’t get comfortable. Welcome to the era of change (Piemme).

A book that starts from the moment that we have all perceived as decisive in our lives, that of the lockdown, of the pandemic.

For those who – unlike doctors, nurses, police forces, supermarket cashiers: and many of these people were women – were not in the front row, these were the days of the sofa, as well as certainly of fear and anguish. A forced pause, a reflective rest.

But right on our sofas we felt both all our past privilege and all our inadequacy to the sudden change in the time that is given to us.

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Some believe they have solved everything by denying it, the change: think of climate change, which is there for all to see but which many persist in not seeing. Camila Raznovich instead invites you to widen your eyes wide and adapt to the change, to dance to her rhythm.

“Don’t get comfortable” by Camila Raznovich (Piemme).

With the agile style that viewers know well Kilimanjaro, Macondo, The most beautiful villages in Italyin short, his TV programmes, the author accompanies us along the themes of the great mutation that awaits usamong which at least one should be noted, in the chapter entitled “School by plants and that anarchist Kropotkin”.

It all starts with the huge ficus that Camila keeps at home, and with whom he cultivates «an elective relationship, which strengthened during the lockdown, when I spent hours admiring him». The rest cannot be told: it just needs to be discovered.

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All articles by Aldo Cazzullo.

