“Don’t be alone” – This is how Finnish celebrities remember World Mental Health Day: They share tips for getting help

World Mental Health Day is celebrated on October 10.

Today, Tuesday, October 10, is World Mental Health Day. This year the theme of the day is “Mental health is everyone’s right”. According to Mieli Ry, we always try to talk about the right to equal good mental health, and the right to receive low-threshold support when you need it.

Many well-known Finns have shared their thoughts on mental health and the importance of taking care of it.

Don’t be alone! Comprehensive support is available for mental health problems and suicidal thoughts. You can find information about support services by phone, online and face-to-face about this thing.

Help available

Among other things Maria Veitola shared an article on Instagram, in which he has compiled various services from which to get help for acute mental health challenges or suicidal thoughts.

– Sometimes you just can’t take it anymore. I know because it has happened to me. Then you need rest and, above all, help. Someone who listens, advises, creates hope and helps forward, Veitola writes as accompanying words.

Veitola has listed numerous entities from which those struggling with mental health issues can get help.

– These organizations will help you completely free of charge or for a nominal fee, such as the cost of a call.

If the embed is not visible, you can also watch it from here.

Mental health is also an important topic for Lola Odusoga. Inka Soveri

Former Miss Miss and media personality Lola Odusoga also shared her thoughts on mental health. He considers it the most important thing to take care of.

– I make choices for that every day. Since I’m also a strong emotional person, I have to act like this.

He says that he is strong and has been able to get up even from difficult times.

– In my childhood, I was numbed by disappointments, the feeling of being an outsider and hatred from outsiders. And the childhood of each of us affects how we perceive things, no matter what kind of childhood it was, traumatic or not. I have always studied my mind a lot, I know it and I know how to nurture its well-being.

– Don’t be alone, remember to ask for help in a difficult situation

You can watch Lola’s publication in its entirety this link through.

Unikki reminds us how a smile can hide a lot behind it. ATTE KAJOVA

Rap artist Uniikki published pictures of himself from a trip abroad, where he smiles in the sun. However, everything is not always as it seems.

– Still, you can’t just push all your own difficult thoughts under the shell, no matter how much you want to. It seems that so many people are going through a challenging phase in life and the world situation is crazy. Whether you are struggling with any small or big crisis, I wish you strength.

You can read the entire update of Uniik from here.

Marja Hintikka wants to talk openly about mental health. Inka Sover

Journalist Marja Hintikka published a long article about how she had discussed mental health at length with a professional in the field.

– He desperately needed more normalizing talk about the dark sides of the human mind: the strong feelings of anxiety, depression and inability that are an inevitable part of life.

Hintikka adds how difficult thoughts do not necessarily signal mental illness, but mental health, whose mechanisms work as they should. A person sometimes also experiences uncomfortable sensations.

– Just as important as talking about mental breakdowns, removing the stigma associated with mental illnesses and demanding the availability of mental health services, it is also important to keep talking about what kind of dark and painful mental activity is part of a person’s life. After all, it’s about health – and not illness.

That’s why he challenges everyone to talk more openly about things related to ordinary life that affect the mind.

– And to express these feelings to the children and young people around them. And at the same time learn to observe what in your own mind is healthy, well and balanced right now.

You can read Hintika’s entire long article in its entirety from here.

Maaret Kallio is a mental health professional. Henri Karkkainen

Psychotherapist Maaret Kallio also shared thoughts related to mental health.

– Today is World Mental Health Day, when I hope we remember that mental health is above all health. It should be treated with enough lightness and enough seriousness, and not too little of either.

Kallio reminds that even good mental health does not guarantee eternal happiness and a direct path to success.

– It’s peace in the ordinary, frictions and uniqueness. The ability to enjoy life, the tender good in yourself and others, the ability to rest and make an effort, to join others and be yourself. Strength is carrying responsibility and humility is asking for forgiveness.

– I miss talking about humanity and the unreasonableness of performance pressures. I long for rebellion against perfection and refuge from ordinariness. Peace to be many kinds, getting support and giving it.

You can read the whole article from here.
