Donna Summer’s birth chart: Capricorn, energetic and sensual

Donna Summer was born on New Year’s Eve, under the sign of Capricorn, winter reality that doesn’t let anyone mislead. But taking advantage of the dark nights, Venus in Sagittarius will make her fly to Germany at just 20 years old to work in musicals Hair.

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When marries the Austrian Helmuth Sommerfather of her first daughter, changed her surname to Donna Summer, a triumph of sensuality.

Donna Summer was born on December 31, 1948 (photo Michael Ochs Archives / Getty Images).

But the immense potential of his birth chart is hidden in five planets in Capricorn. The only one to transgress such rigor is Uranus in Gemini, which will favor the meeting with the legendary producer Giorgio Moroder, author of Love to Love You Baby (1975).

Female eroticism triumphantly enters disco music with 17 minutes of simulated orgasms. And the world goes crazy. Despite the censorship, the success is unstoppable. Summer is at the height of her fame.

She married a second time to Bruce Sudano, father of her other two daughters. But something doesn’t add up. In 1980 the decision to replace Quincy Jones with Moroder did not bring her luck. Success turns into tentacle grip.

Pluto, planet of the unconscious, presses on a spiritual urgency. At the end of his career he talks about his religious conversion from the stage. The audience turns their backs on her.

He will die at 63 with an unresolved sense of persecution. Her daughter Brooklyn Sudano, actress and singer, will help director Roger Ross Williams make a documentary about her mother’s life. The title? Love to Love. Donna Summer. A sigh pierced by loneliness.

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