Donald Trump reinforces his campaign and leadership in the Republican Party after being accused

There are things that only donald trump seems capable. The same Mar-a-Lago hall that hosted a soulless candidacy announcement four and a half months ago to seek the Republican presidential nomination for 2024 became a party where the guests were exultant. And that in the hours before the celebrated speaker who was going to speak to them for 25 minutes in New York had won the dubious honor of going down in history as the first person to pass through the presidency of the United States to be filed as a criminal and charged with criminal charges.

If in November Trump was in the doldrums in the Republican Party, weakened by rising stars such as Governor Ron DeSantis, ballasting the distances that some marked with him after the assault on the Capitol and hit by the lousy results of his candidates and more radical followers in the legislatures, after the imputation he is once again the undisputed leader of the formation. His advantage over potential rivals in polls has done nothing but grow in the last days. AND their chests are filled: more than $8 million in donations just in the four days after it was learned that a grand jury had approved the charges.

If for almost three weeks there was speculation about the short term benefit that Trump could extract from the indictment, no one now disputes it as an indisputable fact. He is once again a star on Fox News, a network that did not even cover that campaign launch in November. He has had one again exorbitant media coverage. And he’s got it up comrades in the ranks who have never hidden their disdain towards a leader twice subjected to ‘impeachment’ get on the bandwagon denouncing a alleged political persecution. Utah Senator Mitt Romney continues to see him as “not suitable for office”, but prefers to highlight the supposed “dangerous precedent & rdquor; opened by the New York prosecutor’s office.

“Before, he staggered because all his complaints looked to the past, now has a new grievance& rdquor ;, reasoned Sarah Longwell, a Republican and anti-Trump adviser, speaking of the new life her campaign has gained with the impeachment.

Attacks on prosecutors, judges and Justice

His speech on Tuesday among the gold medalists at Mar-a-Lago confirms that idea. because trump has recycled the list of his greatest hits of laments, victimization and apocalyptic language about the country if he is not in charge, but now he is putting renewed focus on the multiple investigations that tighten the legal fence around him, and on those who direct them. he rages insulting the prosecutors of the top five cases (and their families), or the judge presiding over a case in New York that he calls “ridiculous”. And he assures that everything iselection interference”. “Since they cannot win us at the polls, they try to win us through the law,” he said (in 2016 he won the electoral college but not the popular vote and in 2020 he lost both).

TO long term, and especially in the face of the presidential elections, the imputation and those that could arrive you can bill him, especially between independent voters or the more moderates of the Republican Party. But for now Trump just needs to deepen and broaden his base to solidify the iron fist with which he tightens the formation again.

This Wednesday he went to his social network to call to reduce the funding from the Department of Justice and the FBI. It is the same Trump who has always presented himself as a candidate and president of “law and order & rdquor;, the same one who ridiculed and assaulted the slogan “defund the police& rdquor; behind which beating proposals for police reforms after cases of police violence and racism.

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