Donald Trump played again for Vladimir Putin

When Donald Trump first praised Vladimir Putin it was a worrying sign because while he was just a millionaire seeking a presidential candidacy in the Republican Party primaries, the Russian leader was already suspected of a long list of poisonings and shootings.

The following attitudes favorable to Putin, such as requesting in 2018 and 2019 that the head of the Kremlin return to participate in the G-7 summits, from which Russia had been excluded due to the annexation of Crimea, added seriousness because at that point already The actions of Russian hackers against Hillary Clinton’s electoral campaign, with the aim of Trump becoming president of the United States, were beginning to be revealed.

But even more serious is the last favor that the New York tycoon did to the Russian autocrat: publicly hand him ammunition so that he can shoot at the image of Joe Biden worldwide.

Both the Democratic administration and much of the American press missed the opportunity to explain to American society the meaning of what Trump did and its seriousness in the midst of the war that the Russian president unleashed with the invasion of Ukraine. They only described what happened, instead of interpreting it and explaining its significance.

In front of the cameras of the Just The News program, Trump “asked” Putin to reveal information that he believes is detrimental to the current US president. According to the real estate tycoon, the head of the Kremlin has intelligence on shady deals between Joe Biden’s son and Russian oligarchs.

He also hinted that the Russian despot has information about Hunter Biden’s activities in Ukraine. Both the Democratic administration and the liberal press questioned Trump’s attitude, but only judging it as “untimely” for taking place in the midst of the invasion of Ukraine and the humanitarian catastrophe he is causing.

Trump’s public message to Putin is much more serious than an inopportune attitude. It is in the form of a request, but in reality what the Republican leader did was give Putin elements to use against the Democratic president of the United States. Asking the Russian leader through US television to reveal information that would destroy Biden’s image is not asking but telling Putin what weapons he can use to respond to the White House chief’s accusations of being a criminal autocrat.

In short, the ultra-conservative businessman who leads the Republican Party gave the head of the Kremlin high-caliber ammunition to shoot at Biden. And in these circumstances, such an act lurks in the category of high treason against his country.
If the current indirect confrontation of the United States with the Russian regime were a declared and direct war, Trump’s act would squarely frame the crime of treason. That there is no direct and declared war does not change the spirit of the act, but rather its imputability.

The current US president is playing a leading role in the conflict that is taking place in Europe. He is the promoter and leader of the Euro-American front that helps Ukraine economically and militarily. He is also the main proponent of responding to the invasion with an economic war against Russia.

The United States is the power that, together with its European allies, fights against Putin by supplying weapons to Ukraine and applying economic sanctions to Russia. And this war is not being fought only in the military and economic fields. The powers of the West and Ukraine are also fighting the head of the Russian regime in the dimension of world public opinion.

There, Putin is being defeated. The image of the Ukrainian president shines in the international firmament. That of the North American president is also well positioned in a fight that has nothing to do with the ego of the leaders, but rather is one more weapon in the contest.

That is a key point: the fight between the Zelensky-Biden front and Vladimir Putin to improve their own image and damage that of the enemy is part of this war.
Although he acted out of spite against Biden, what Trump did was play in favor of who, at this moment, is an enemy of the United States. That he acted out of negligence or ignorance does not lessen the seriousness of what he did. He warned Putin that his intelligence services or his close oligarchs can give him information to publicly attack Biden.

The head of the Kremlin comes from the intelligence apparatuses and knows that if they don’t get the information they need to attack the occasional enemy, they make it up or build it up. Probably, in the Kremlin they have already begun to concoct stories about Hunter Biden to build evidence that, through the son of the then vice president, the United States sought to promote the production of chemical and biological weapons in Ukraine.

However, even if those stories were true, which is also possible, using them at this time and in this circumstance is turning it into ammunition to shoot in this war. When, in the run-up to the elections, Trump pressured Zelensky by phone, telling him that Rudolph Giuliani would call him to gather information about Hunter Biden that would damage the electoral campaign of his father, who was the Democratic candidate, the then president committed political indecency and a diplomatic mess. As there was economic aid to Ukraine that the White House was delaying, the “request” to Zelensky can be considered blackmail.

Without extortion elements, Trump did the same with the Russian president. But in this case he was not asking for the data he mentioned, he was telling Putin that he has them at hand or that he can invent them, and that he must use them against the main leader of the Euro-American front that helps Ukraine and attacks the economy. from Russia: Joe Biden.

At the time that Trump publicly sent his message to Putin, the atrocities committed by the Russian army were already visible, such as subjecting Mariupol to saturation bombing that devastates that city on the Sea of ​​Azov, to reduce it to rubble as it did with Aleppo in northeastern Syria. Days later, the images of the massacred civilians in Bucha arrived.

When Vladimir Putin can only be asked to stop the mass murder of Ukrainians, the Republican leader treated him as an ally in his fight against Biden. For Trump, the enemy of his enemy is his friend. But this friend is an enemy of the United States. Ergo, helping him in his fight against Biden in the middle of a war is prowling the betrayal of the country of which he was president, although neither the Democratic government nor the press know how to explain it.

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